Vision Statement for Worimi Conservation Lands
We want to see the Worimi Conservation Lands (the Lands) respected and acknowledged as part of Worimi country.
Caring for our country and sharing the respect and knowledge of the Lands to share and care like our elders. We want everybody to work on caring and sharing for our WORIMI country.
The Lands include our sites, beliefs, cultural practices, ceremonies and places of significance. We want to be able to teach others about our land and culture and in return developing respect for our land and culture for the future, as our elders have entrusted to us.
The Worimi Conservation Lands IS a Worimi cultural landscape that we want to protect for future generations. We will protect, respect and connect the Lands and our country will connect and protect us.
Protecting Country
Protecting country means looking after the traditional, cultural and environmental landscape. The plants and animals, our sites and places and beliefs and knowledge are all part of our culture and heritage that we will protect.
Respecting Country
Respecting country includes our respect of “Elders and Knowledge Holders”, past, present and future generations. The Lands must be respected, and those who visit and enjoy the Lands must understand its values. This is important in respecting our country.
Connecting Country
Connecting with country is about spending time on the Lands and learning the values of the Lands. It’s about understanding that we are Worimi people belonging to this country. We have a spiritual connection to this country, and will pass this on to our present and future generations.
Protecting, respecting and connecting to country is not something that can wait for the future, but must be acted on now, to walk freely within our country and develop and maintain our connections to our country.